Pipe Fitting and Repair

Over the past 4 years, we have worked on a number of different pipe fitting projects. McMahan Industrial Services can help with all of your pipe fitting and repair. We specialize in threaded pipe and black pipe replacements and our custom pipe fitting trailer allows us to travel from facility to facility with ease. Whether you’re looking to do some upgrades on your system, or you just had a pipe burst and need immediate assistance, we’ve got your back.

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Black Pipe vs Stainless Steel

Choosing the right kind of pipes is always important, but especially so in the oil and gas industries. Transporting harsher products is tough on black pipes because they aren’t coated, causing them to corrode at a faster rate. This corrosion can lead to a pipe burst and compromises the overall integrity of your product. This is why we highly suggest using stainless steel, like we do, for your system.

Black Pipe

made of steel and is dark in color due to the iron-oxide formed on its surface during manufacturing. It’s typically found in residential and commercial environments and is used for gas lines. Unlike stainless steel or galvanized steel, it has no coating to protect the products it transports. This becomes a major issue when used in industrial settings, as the pipe will start to quickly corrode, causing multiple hazards.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel pipe is primarily used in piping systems to transport fluids and gases. The biggest advantage stainless steel offers is that its coated with alloys that give it corrosion-resistant properties. This durability means it will last longer than black pipe and will give you a better return on investment in the long run.

Benefits of Using Stainless Steel

Our technicians re-piped this fat system at a local feed mill. We started by changing out 2″ of black pipe for stainless steel pipe, replaced a section of 3/8″ steam trace, & reinsulated the line using fiberglass insulation & PVC pipe covering.

As you can see, there’s a large amount of steam coming off the pipes. This is due to the high temperature the liquids inside must be kept at. Because of this, we wrap the pipes in both electrical heat trace and insulation and cover it all with PVC pipes. This ensures that the liquids remain at the right temperature as they’re being transported.

  • Extremely durable and helps prevent corrosion
  • Good for harsh products
  • Easily cleaned and sanitized
  • Low maintenance
  • Handles high flow rates
  • More cost-effective in the long run

Why Choose McMahan

Is your facility in need of an installation? Do you have someone to call when you need an emergency repair? Look no further! Give us a call now at (515) 518-9972 or shoot us an email at jkiger@mcmahanindustrial.com

Our Process
to get everything going for you

For small projects it will normally take a couple weeks to complete. For Medium Projects it will take about 1-2 months



Accurately gauging the dimensions and specifications of a project site or equipment.



CAT drawings & design plans are sent to engineers for approval



Constructing the designed components using industry-standard materials and techniques.



Efficiently setting up the fabricated components on-site to ensure optimal functionality.

Got Questions?

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877-731-3193 akiger@mcmahanindustrial.com